Cruise Ship Collides With Freight Vessel in Mallorca

Source: 9News

A cruise vessel carrying thousands of British guests collided with another vessel off the coast of Palma, Mallorca. The exact cause of the crash is still shrouded in mystery, but passengers on board the P&O Britannia vessel point to adverse weather conditions and strong winds as potential factors. Local publications reported that a sudden storm lashed the island on Sunday, unleashing hail, heavy rain, and powerful gusts of wind.

Source: Stephen Marsh on Twitter

The serene waters surrounding Mallorca quickly transformed into chaos as the P&O Britannia cruise ship broke free from its moorings during the fierce storm and crashed into a nearby freight vessel. Passengers felt the impact reverberate through the ship, leaving them bewildered and alarmed.

The ship's crew promptly sprang into action in the aftermath of the collision. All passengers were directed to muster stations, key emergency points on the vessel, a protocol akin to a well-rehearsed drill. However, the situation's urgency was unmistakable, emphasizing that this was not just a practice run. Some passengers suffered minor injuries due to the force of the collision.

A Welsh woman traveling with her partner and two children described the scene onboard. While passengers were allowed to leave their cabins, they were restricted from engaging in any activities on the vessel. Crew members were conspicuous in their life jackets, diligently carrying out their assigned emergency tasks. The vessel's exterior bore the scars of the collision, a visible reminder of the chaos that had unfolded.

Another passenger shared their experience of being temporarily adrift at sea. Once it was established that there were no fires on the ship, guests were permitted to leave their cabins. The ship remained anchored as passengers awaited updates from the captain on the evolving situation.

Amid the uncertainty of the moment, passengers began contemplating their next steps. One speaker intended to disembark from the vessel and arrange to fly back home. The prospect of sailing back was deemed unfeasible. The focus for many was to await the resolution of the situation and then seek accommodation in a hotel.

P&O Cruises' spokesperson issued a statement acknowledging the incident involving the Britannia on that fateful Sunday morning. The company is actively assessing the situation and ensuring the guests' well-being. The ship's captain has maintained open lines of communication with passengers, providing updates as new information emerges.

As investigations continue into the collision, questions surrounding safety measures, weather monitoring, and emergency procedures will undoubtedly come to the forefront. For now, the British tourists who embarked on what should have been a leisurely cruise are grappling with an unforeseen ordeal, drawing strength from their collective resilience in the face of adversity.

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